Adventurous? Here is a Top 10 List of Some Hair-Raising Adventures for You to Add to Your Bucket List

How BIG of an adventure junkie are you?  Lets dive into a list of some top adventures around the US that you should add to your bucket list in 2024.
Starting off strong with skydiving.  Personally, you will be hard-pressed to get me to agree to jump out of a perfectly good airplane but here we are.  
Skydiving in Las Vegas, Nevada: Experience the ultimate thrill of skydiving amidst the breathtaking landscapes of the Nevada desert. Tandem skydiving is popular here, where first-time jumpers are securely attached to an experienced instructor. After a brief training session, you'll board a plane and ascend to thousands of feet above ground. As the aircraft door opens, adrenaline surges through your veins. Feel the rush of wind as you free-fall for about a minute before your parachute opens, offering stunning views of the desert below as you peacefully descend back to earth.  No lie, this would be epic to do in all the beautiful parts of the country... I'm working up my nerve - maybe one day for me!

Helicopter tour over New York City, New York: Now this is something that I could do!  Change in perspective makes all the difference so take your New York City sightseeing to new heights with a thrilling helicopter tour. Departing from heliports in Manhattan, you'll soar above iconic landmarks like the Statue of Liberty, Empire State Building, and Central Park. The aerial perspective offers a unique and unforgettable view of the city that never sleeps. With experienced pilots guiding your journey, you'll feel safe as you capture stunning photographs and create lasting memories of the Big Apple from above.  My NYC bucket list is ever-growing... this is near the top of it!

Bungee jumping off the Bridge to Nowhere in Los Angeles, California: Just outside Los Angeles lies the Bridge to Nowhere, a historic structure spanning the San Gabriel Mountains. This remote location offers the perfect setting for bungee jumping, providing an adrenaline-fueled leap into the unknown. After a short hike through rugged terrain, you'll reach the bridge, where professional guides will ensure your safety as you take the plunge. Feel the rush of wind as you free-fall towards the canyon floor, then bounce back up, surrounded by stunning natural beauty.  For the true adrenaline junkie, this one is for you!  

Whitewater rafting in Colorado River, Colorado: Embark on a thrilling whitewater rafting adventure through the majestic canyons of the Colorado River. Whether you're a novice or experienced rafter, there are options for every skill level, from calm floats to adrenaline-pumping rapids. Navigate through narrow passages and over tumultuous waves as you marvel at the breathtaking scenery around you. Professional guides will lead the way, ensuring a safe and exhilarating journey through one of America's most iconic waterways.  This especially one where I would get a really good local guide if you decide to take on the rapids in CO!  It will truly make or break your experience in my opinion.

Hang gliding in Kitty Hawk, North Carolina:  The Outer Banks is such a fun spot to visit.  It has a lot to offer to its visitors including those who want to channel their inner aviator with a hang gliding adventure in Kitty Hawk, the birthplace of flight.  Is there anywhere else you should learn to fly than in the actual birthplace of flight??  Launching from the same sandy dunes where the Wright brothers first took flight, you'll experience the thrill of soaring through the air like a bird. Professional instructors will provide all the necessary training and equipment, allowing you to safely experience the sensation of unpowered flight. Take in panoramic views of the Outer Banks coastline as you glide effortlessly through the sky, feeling the wind beneath your wings.

Shark cage diving in Oahu, Hawaii:  Ok, the ocean lover in me is screaming to do this but I also have a fear of the unknown and deep water... I need to buckle up and take this adventure on, brave the depths of the Pacific Ocean with a shark cage diving expedition off the coast of Oahu. Getting me to Oahu - easy.... but into a shark cage - a bit more difficult!  Departing from Haleiwa Harbor, you'll venture into waters known for their abundance of sharks, including Galapagos and Sandbar sharks. Descend into the secure confines of a sturdy cage and come face to face with these magnificent creatures in their natural habitat. While the experience may be intense, expert guides prioritize safety, ensuring a thrilling yet secure encounter with some of the ocean's apex predators.  Sign me up!!  Who's with me?

Zip-lining in Moab, Utah: Moab is STUNNING!  So much to see in this part of Utah... but how awesome would it be to see it form above!  Change in perspective is sometimes all you need!  Get some altitude and soar through the rugged landscapes of Moab with an exhilarating zip-lining adventure. Suspended high above the desert floor, you'll glide along steel cables, taking in panoramic views of red rock formations and dramatic canyons. With various courses available, ranging from leisurely to adrenaline-pumping, there's something for everyone, regardless of age or experience level. Professional guides will oversee your journey, ensuring a safe and unforgettable experience as you zip from platform to platform, embracing the freedom of flight amidst Utah's stunning natural beauty.

Base jumping off Perrine Bridge in Twin Falls, Idaho: For the ultimate adrenaline rush, dare to take the leap with a base jumping experience off Perrine Bridge in Twin Falls. Standing 486 feet above the Snake River Canyon, this iconic bridge is one of the few legal base jumping locations in the United States. After carefully preparing your gear and mental state, you'll make the exhilarating plunge, free-falling towards the canyon floor at speeds of over 100 miles per hour. With proper training and equipment, along with guidance from experienced jumpers, you'll embark on a thrilling and unforgettable adventure that pushes the limits of human bravery.

Parasailing in Key West, Florida: Soar high above the turquoise waters of Key West with a parasailing excursion that offers breathtaking views of the Florida Keys. Departing from picturesque marinas, you'll be lifted into the air by a sturdy parasail, ascending to heights of up to 400 feet. From this vantage point, you'll enjoy panoramic vistas of palm-fringed beaches, coral reefs, and vibrant marine life below. Whether you choose to fly solo or tandem with a friend, experienced captains and crew will ensure a safe and exhilarating experience as you glide effortlessly through the sky, feeling the warm breeze against your skin.

Climbing Half Dome in Yosemite National Park, California: Conquer one of America's most iconic rock formations with a challenging ascent of Half Dome in Yosemite National Park. Rising nearly 5,000 feet above the valley floor, this granite monolith offers a thrilling yet demanding climb for experienced hikers and climbers. Following the famed cables route, you'll navigate steep inclines and sheer drop-offs, using handrails to ascend the final stretch to the summit. Once there, you'll be rewarded with panoramic views of Yosemite Valley and the surrounding Sierra Nevada mountains, making the journey well worth the effort. While the ascent requires physical stamina and mental fortitude, the sense of accomplishment and awe-inspiring scenery make it an unforgettable adventure for those willing to take on the challenge.
This list is nothing short of a good, hair-raising, adventurous wicked time.  Take yourself to new heights, change your perspective, check your fears at the gate and embrace in the adrenaline rush.  You'll be sure to have some epic tales to share when you return home.  



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